Christian Schools Canada Conference 2024

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

8:00 am

Breakfast for Christian Deeper Learning attendees (The Lord Nelson Hotel)

9:00 am - 3:30 pm

Christian Deeper Learning Pre-Conference (The Lord Nelson Hotel) - additional cost

6:00 pm

Registration Open (Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21)

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Opening Reception: Gathered for the Journey (Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21)

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Opening Session with Dr. Beth Green (Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

7:30 am

Breakfast for all conference attendees (The Lord Nelson Hotel)

8:30 am

Devotions and Worship (The Lord Nelson Hotel)

9:00 am

Keynote Session: A Strange Hospitality - Matthew Kaemingk (The Lord Nelson Hotel)

10:15 am


10:45 am

Breakout Sessions: "Called" (The Lord Nelson Hotel)

Leadership as Vocation - Andy Wolfe

Encouraging Sustainability in Theologically Diverse Communities: A Pathway Toward Unity in DiversityKen DeWyn and Kevin Huinink

12:00 pm

Lunch (The Lord Nelson Hotel)

1:00 pm

Keynote Session: Journeying With Hope - Matthew Kaemingk (The Lord Nelson Hotel)

2:15 pm

Afternoon Activities - pick from our curated list of suggestions, our optional session on education trends (below), or choose your own adventure

5:30 pm

Dinner for all conference attendees (The Cable Wharf)

Friday, September 27, 2024

7:30 am

Breakfast for all conference attendees (The Lord Nelson Hotel)

8:30 am

Gather, Regroup, and Worship (The Lord Nelson Hotel)

9:00 am

Transition to breakouts

9:15 am

Breakout Sessions: "Connected" (The Lord Nelson Hotel)

Building Communities of Practice in Christian SchoolsDr. Lynn Swaner

Living in the Tension Between Two WorldsRon Masengi and Bryan Young

10:30 am


11:00 am

Breakout Sessions: "Committed" (The Lord Nelson Hotel)

Conciliation and Reconciliation Dr. Dorothy Vaandering

Cultivating a Culture of Giving through Transformational PhilanthropyCathy Kits and Monica Loewen

12:15 pm

Transition to main room

12:30 pm

Closing Session and Wrap Up

1:00 pm

Dismissal - lunch on own