
ESC Celebration of Learners Gallery

Featured image for “Episode 38: Campfire Conversation”

Episode 38: Campfire Conversation

Darren hosts another Every Square Centimetre “campfire” conversation, this time pondering why Christian schools exist and how we can remain courageous in our faith.…
Featured image for “Episode 37: Tyler, Red Deer, and Lord of All”

Episode 37: Tyler, Red Deer, and Lord of All

Tyler Capton welcomes us to Red Deer, AB where we celebrate the Lord of All approach to Christian education.…
Featured image for “Episode 36: Bill, Chilliwack, and Passion Projects”

Episode 36: Bill, Chilliwack, and Passion Projects

Bill Beeke invites us into the hallways of Timothy Christian School in Chilliwack, BC to talk about passion projects.…
Featured image for “Episode 35: Big Boss Deani, Eastern Canada, and Our Cultural Moment in Education”

Episode 35: Big Boss Deani, Eastern Canada, and Our Cultural Moment in Education

Deani Van Pelt, President of Edvance, talks about the growing appetite for independent schooling across Canada and it’s a huge privilege to be involved in Christian education at this time.…
Featured image for “Episode 34: Adam, New Westminster, and Forming Our Identity in Christ”

Episode 34: Adam, New Westminster, and Forming Our Identity in Christ

Adam Wasik invites us to John Knox Christian School in New Westminster, BC where they prepare students for a life of transformation and service.…
Featured image for “Episode 33: Sara, Rocky Mountain House, and Using Lego to Invite Students Into God’s Story”

Episode 33: Sara, Rocky Mountain House, and Using Lego to Invite Students Into God’s Story

Sara Douma invites us to Rocky Christian School in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta where she uses Lego to connect students to God’s Story.…
Featured image for “Episode 32: Ruth, Guatemala City (Guatemala), and the Importance of Restorative Practices”

Episode 32: Ruth, Guatemala City (Guatemala), and the Importance of Restorative Practices

Ruth Rodriguez invites us to AMG (Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel) in Guatemala City, Guatemala.…
Featured image for “Episode 31: Eli, Beamsville, and Inquiry-Based Physics”

Episode 31: Eli, Beamsville, and Inquiry-Based Physics

Eli Banta invites us to Great Lakes Christian High School in Beamsville, ON to discuss inquiry-based physics.…
Featured image for “Episode 30: Campfire Conversation #6 with Tricia”

Episode 30: Campfire Conversation #6 with Tricia

In this special episode, our hosts hold an Every Square Centimetre “campfire” conversation about well-being.…
Featured image for “Episode 29: Paul, Hobart (Australia), and ChatGPT in Christian Schools”

Episode 29: Paul, Hobart (Australia), and ChatGPT in Christian Schools

Paul Matthews invites us to Calvin Christian School in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia to talk about using AI as an educational tool.…
Featured image for “Episode 28: Stephanie, Limoges, and Unconventional Bilingual Christian Education”

Episode 28: Stephanie, Limoges, and Unconventional Bilingual Christian Education

Stephanie Montojo from Academia Stella Maris in Limoges, Ontario shares her school’s unconventional and innovative approach to bilingual Christian education.…
Featured image for “Episode 27: Colin, Leduc, and Teacher Efficacy”

Episode 27: Colin, Leduc, and Teacher Efficacy

Colin Ward welcomes us to Leduc, AB where we discuss teacher efficacy and how to help kids when school is hard.…
Featured image for “Episode 26: Big Boss Ed, British Columbia, and the future of Christian education”

Episode 26: Big Boss Ed, British Columbia, and the future of Christian education

Ed Noot, the retiring Executive Director of the Society of Christian Schools in British Columbia, offers us his reflection on the state of Christian education through the Wayfinder prompts “praise, lament, and hope.”…
Featured image for “Episode 25: Campfire Conversation”

Episode 25: Campfire Conversation

In this special episode, our hosts hold another Every Square Centimetre “campfire” conversation.…
Featured image for “Episode 24: Lisa, St. Catharines, and Sometimes School is Hard”

Episode 24: Lisa, St. Catharines, and Sometimes School is Hard

Lisa Vanderkuip welcomes us to her classroom at Beacon Christian School in St. Catharines, ON where she is committed to helping students when school gets hard…
Featured image for “Episode 23: Joonyong, Paju (Korea), and Companionship over Competition”

Episode 23: Joonyong, Paju (Korea), and Companionship over Competition

Joonyong provides a fantastic look into both Korean and Canadian Christian education, highlighting the need for educators to actively combat the way schooling can default to an ethos of competition.…
Featured image for “Episode 22: John and Summer, Abbotsford, and Dogs Going to School”

Episode 22: John and Summer, Abbotsford, and Dogs Going to School

John van der Leek and PADS dog Summer welcome us to Abbotsford Christian School, where they work together to help all students give and receive love and acceptance.…
Featured image for “Episode 21: Alex, Drayton Valley, and Growth in Math Instruction”

Episode 21: Alex, Drayton Valley, and Growth in Math Instruction

Alex Farquhar welcomes us to Drayton Valley Christian School, where Alex wants all grade six students to know they are capable in their learning.…
Featured image for “Bonus Episode: Schooled!”

Bonus Episode: Schooled!

In this special bonus episode, we connect with some of our favorite Christian school podcast friends and have some fun drafting our ideal schools using peculiar pools to choose from. …
Featured image for “Episode 20: Campfire Conversation”

Episode 20: Campfire Conversation

In this special episode, our hosts hold another Every Square Centimetre “campfire” conversation.…
Featured image for “Episode 19: Matt, London, and a Maker Studio”

Episode 19: Matt, London, and a Maker Studio

Matt Rock welcomes us to his maker studio and high school Construction Technologies courses at London Christian High, where he and his students love engaging in “high impact projects.”…
Featured image for “Episode 18: Laura, Victoria, and Rand’s Rangers”

Episode 18: Laura, Victoria, and Rand’s Rangers

Laura Rand welcomes us into her grade 1 classroom where students are excited to play their important part as “Rangers,” caring for the earth and doing important tasks in God’s world.…
Featured image for “Episode 17: Campfire Conversation”

Episode 17: Campfire Conversation

Darren hosts another Every Square Centimetre “campfire” conversation, this time inspired by our participation in Converge and the Christian Deeper Learning Conference in San Diego.…
Featured image for “Episode 16: Sherry, Lacombe, and “Living God’s Dream””

Episode 16: Sherry, Lacombe, and “Living God’s Dream”

Sherry Ten Hove from Lacombe Christian School in Lacombe, Alberta welcomes us into her kindergarten classroom where the students ask “How can we live God’s dream?”…
Featured image for “Episode 15: Fiona, Adelaide, and Life as Worship”

Episode 15: Fiona, Adelaide, and Life as Worship

Fiona Partridge from Adelaide, Australia, introduces us to a CSC sister organization–Christian Education National (CEN)–and shares a kingdom vision of all life and all things participating in worship.…
Featured image for “Episode 14: Janice, Surrey, and Teaching for Transformation”

Episode 14: Janice, Surrey, and Teaching for Transformation

Janice MacDonald from Surrey Christian School shares how her students discover their vocational identity in God’s kingdom.…
Featured image for “Episode 13: Loretta, Charlottetown, and Primary PBL”

Episode 13: Loretta, Charlottetown, and Primary PBL

Loretta Anderson at Immanuel Christian School in Charlottetown, PEI, invites us into her grade 1 classroom where students are invited to create beautiful work.…
Featured image for “Episode 12: Campfire Conversation”

Episode 12: Campfire Conversation

In this special episode, our hosts come together for another Every Square Centimetre “campfire” conversation.…
Featured image for “Episode 11: Big Boss Gayle, Prairies, and Women in Leadership”

Episode 11: Big Boss Gayle, Prairies, and Women in Leadership

Gayle Monsma, the Executive Director of the Prairie Centre for Christian Education, schools us in some women’s leadership truths.…
Featured image for “Episode 10: Matt, Winnipeg, and Outdoor Education”

Episode 10: Matt, Winnipeg, and Outdoor Education

Matt Klassen at Calvin Christian Collegiate in Winnipeg, Manitoba, takes us out of the classroom to find God in outdoor education.…
Featured image for “Episode 9: Sandy, Duncan, and Truth & Reconciliation”

Episode 9: Sandy, Duncan, and Truth & Reconciliation

Sandy Veenstra of Duncan Christian School shares her 40 year teaching journey into deeper truth and reconciliation with the Cowichan Tribes.…
Featured image for “Episode 8: Perpetual, Oakville, and Diversity”

Episode 8: Perpetual, Oakville, and Diversity

Perpetual Boafo at King’s Christian Collegiate in Oakville, Ontario, invites us into her grade 10 Careers classroom which embodies “diversity + inclusion = belonging.”…
Featured image for “Episode 7: Campfire Conversation”

Episode 7: Campfire Conversation

In this special episode, Darren hosts the first ever Every Square Centimetre “campfire” conversation.…
Featured image for “Episode 6: Liz, Edmonton, and Real Work”

Episode 6: Liz, Edmonton, and Real Work

Liz Rachul at Edmonton Christian School-NE campus invites us into her grade 4/5 classroom which uses Teaching for Transformation to invite kids to meet real needs for real people in their learning.…
Featured image for “Episode 5: Jacquie, Burlington, and a Passion for Primary”

Episode 5: Jacquie, Burlington, and a Passion for Primary

Jacquie De Raaf at Trinity Christian School in Burlington, Ontario invites us into her grade 2 classroom with sound walls and timelines where students meet Jesus.…
Featured image for “Episode 4: Bonnie, Richmond, and a Better Story for Learning”

Episode 4: Bonnie, Richmond, and a Better Story for Learning

Bonnie Burton at Richmond Christian School invites us into RCS’s unique story of the purpose for learning.…
Featured image for “Episode 3: Shannon, Nanaimo, and Cultivating Belonging”

Episode 3: Shannon, Nanaimo, and Cultivating Belonging

Shannon Gillespie at Nanaimo Christian School shares her passion for middle school-aged students and Nanaimo’s unique theme-based learning structure.…
Featured image for “Episode 2: Zaak, Calgary, and Tossing Tests”

Episode 2: Zaak, Calgary, and Tossing Tests

Zaak Robichaud from Calgary Christian School shares a vision for mathematics that supports the whole student—academically but also social/emotionally.…
Featured image for “Episode 1: Harry, Hamilton, and Project Based Learning”

Episode 1: Harry, Hamilton, and Project Based Learning

For our maiden episode, Harry Blyleven from Hamilton District Christian High talks tech and Project Based Learning in the Every Square Centimetre “Nursery.”…





Jeremy Horlings

He tries not to take himself too seriously, but Jeremy Horlings is serious about Christian education. He comes by it honestly, experiencing the blessings of Christian education in a variety of roles and places throughout his life: a student from Kindergarten to grade 12 at Bulkley Valley Christian School in Smithers, British Columbia; earning his Education degree at The King's University in Edmonton, Alberta; learning the ropes of teaching as a grade 7 teacher at Covenant Christian School in Leduc, Alberta; focusing on Servant Leadership for his Masters in Educational Leadership; moving his family to Red Deer to work in administration at Gateway Christian School and landing in his current role as Associate Executive Director at the Prairie Centre for Christian Education.

Jeremy lives with his wife 👍  and 4 kids 😬 on an acreage outside of Red Deer, Alberta, learning the origins of a pickle and, every once in a while, getting the opportunity to travel to exotic cities like Hamilton, where he can experience native foods like "phlegm brûlée" 🤦‍♂️.

Justin Cook

A passionate Christian educator, Justin Cook has been a teacher at Surrey Christian Schools in British Columbia, and Toronto District Christian High School and Hamilton District Christian High School, both in Ontario. Although he was born in Iowa, his family moved to Canada in 1983 so that Justin could eventually be part of the Every Square Centimetre podcast. (Good thing that worked out…) Canada has always felt like his “home and native land!”

As Edvance’s Director of Learning, Justin now partners with schools in a vision of learning for flourishing communities, supporting schools to develop a learning vision that helps students to thrive as engaged citizens committed to their local communities and rooted in a vision of the interdependence and right-relatedness of all things through Christ’s reconciling reign.

At home, Justin and his wife Rachel (and their three beautiful children!) love trying to live intentionally in their neighborhood: sharing and restoring a multi-unit house, practicing hospitality, walking to church, and feasting with friends.


Darren Spyksma

Darren is the Director of Learning at SCSBC. Both there and in various positions at Agassiz Christian, Unity Christian, Centennial Christian, and Nanaimo Christian Schools, he has challenged others to explore and try out ideas that bring schools closer to best practice within a framework that is distinctly Christian. Darren is committed to learning that is built on meaningful relationships, is demanding and rigorous, and is engaging and relevant for the learner. He is most excited trying something new or tweaking something already present and learning from the experience. His goal is to support teachers in developing learning programs for students that move past content absorption, into learning experiences that not only increase student learning, but also transform them into agents of change in their small corner of the world.

Darren lives with his wife and 2 kids—one of them in college—in Abbotsford, British Columbia, where he’s currently fighting a war against manicured lawns (don’t get him started).


Graham Langridge

Graham has been a math/science/band teacher for 12 years, and is currently teaching at Gateway Christian School in Red Deer, Alberta. He lives in a yellow house with his wife and two children. He has been playing, performing, and recording music for many years which has translated nicely into podcast production over the past number of years.

An avid listener of many different genres of podcasts, Graham is excited to be involved with the Every Square Centimetre podcast. He loves being involved in interesting conversations with amazing educators, and prefers writing songs that are only a few seconds in length.




Sarah Burt

Sarah is a long-time believer in Christian education, having experienced it first hand as a student and more recently as an involved Christian school parent, volunteer, and board member. She spent 18 years in marketing and PR roles in high tech before joining Edvance in 2019. She supports the Edvance team (and now the Every Square Centimetre podcast) in all things marketing and communications.

Sarah was born and raised in Ontario, and her happy place is when she’s canoeing and camping in the wilds of Algonquin Park. She lives near Burlington, Ontario with her husband, their two daughters, and a very excitable goldendoodle.


The Every Square Centimetre logo was created by Kevin van der Leek of SCSBC. The Every Square Centimetre map was created by the 2021 Communication Technology class at Hamilton District Christian High in Ancaster, Ontario.